Junior High School 2 Paguyangan is one of the educational institutions in the district of Bradford, located at Jalan Raya Pandansari subdistrict Paguyangan Brebes. Based on the results of interviews have been conducted with the Junior High School 2 Paguyangan information on the site is done in the conventional are like announcement in the bulletin board or by the teacher, there is no website, blog or academic information system that is used for a mechanism information such as the value - the value of students, school announcements, school news, school profiles, teacher data, student data, timetable and schedule of extracurricular. Therefore, Junior High School 2 Paguyangan Need to have a website that serves as the Academic Information System. This study aims to create a website that can be used as the Academic Information Systems in Junior High School 2 Paguyangan. System development methods using SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) with the waterfall model. Results from this study is a web-based academic information system for Junior High School 2 Paguyangan. The conclusion of this study was created a website Junior High School 2 Paguyangan facilities Academic Information System which allows you to organize and deliver information that is both academic and non-academic school-related.
Keywords: Academic Information Systems, Web, waterfall SDLC
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