Sistem informasi presensi siswa dengan pemberitahuan absensi berbasis sms gateway (Studi Kasus: SMP Negeri 2 Purwokerto)
One alternative monitoring system to deliver information more effectively and quickly is to use SMS (Short Message Service). SMS is a facility that is contained in a mobile phone. As in this Information System SMS is used to deliver information to no school attendance to parents. In addition to the cost of SMS is cheap, parents will be informed sooner about his situation does actually go to school or not. The method used in this research is the method of data collection and system development. Pegumpulan method of data used is interview, observation, documentation and literature, while the system development method used is prototype method by using the tools of system design in the form of DFD and ERD. The software used in the making of this application is Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, and XAMPP. With the student information system based on SMS gateway presence certainly easier for parents to monitor your son / daughter in the absence and recapitulation presence facilitate the students.
Keywords: Information Systems, Presence, SMS Gateway.
SI0715 | SI 0715 PUT s 2015 | UPT. PERPUSTAKAAN (Rak 2) | Tersedia |
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