Mobile game edukasi "si Bilbul" berbasis Android
Mobile development technology especially for android platform is not only used for communication but it also can used for entertainment media. One of them is the most loved is game. In this part, game is not only for entertainment but it also can used for learning. The purpose of this research is develop mobile game education based in android platform as mathematic mobile game education for founth grade elementary school and the material is integer arithmetic operations. The development system use MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) and the softwares are Adobe Flash Prefisional CS6 and Adobe Photoshop CS6. For the result of this research is Education Game “Si Bilbul” based android platform
Keywords: Android, Education game, Si Bilbul, MDLC.
SI0651 | SI 0651 SET m 2015 | UPT. PERPUSTAKAAN (Rak 2) | Tersedia |
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