By know and remember heroes Indonesia will certainly make us more concerned about the history of the heroes of the revolution, especially Indonesia. The introduction of the hero is currently only in the form of a book, along with advances in technology certainly interactive game application or knowledge required in the Indonesian history. Look and pay attention to the problem above, I provide a solution to make a game "Adventure Revolution" Using Unity 3D. Methods of data collection methods Observation and Study Library. System development methods using MDLC (Multimedia Develpoment Life Cycle) which according Luther (1994) in the book of Imam Binanto (2010) multimedia development methodology consists of six stages: concept (Pengonsepan), design (pendesaian), collecting material (Pengumplan Material), assembly (Pembuatan), testing (Pengujian), and distribution (Pendistribusian). In order for this game is expected to be one form of efforts to promote and participate in the world of gaming genre of entertainment and education history of Indonesia.
Keywords: Game, Unity 3D, MDLC (Multimedia Develpoment Life Cycle)
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