Aplikasi mobile hadits berbasis android (studi kasus SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sokaraja)
So many learning applications that are built to help deliver the content and materials in education, because applications can deliver learning content and materials involving mobile devices or mobile phone. It is expected to support applications on mobile devices with the Android operating system, the process of delivering the material becomes more varied that lead to optimal results. Hadith is one of the materials presented at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sokaraja, and learning method used is less optimal. The purpose of this research is to design and build applications on the hadith as a means of supporting the teaching and learning process. With data collection methods such as observation, questionnaires, interviews, and literature and methods of system development using RAD method. Software used in the making of this application program includes IDE Eclipse, Android SDK, JDK Windows, Adobe Photoshop. The results of this study in the form of Android-based mobile user application featuring material about the hadith, and based on the system test data taken through a questionnaire obtain satisfactory results.
Keywords: Smartphone, android, hadith aplication, mobile aplication.
IF0787 | IF 0787 HAN a | UPT. PERPUSTAKAAN (Rak 1) | Tersedia |
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