Sistem Informasi penilaian hasil belajar peserta didik (studi kasus MTs Ma;arif NU 2 Taraban Kab. Brebes
This study entitled Sistem Informasi Penilaian Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik. Kurikulum 2013 is a new curriculum that is applied to replace the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), but not the only procedure of teaching and learning was changed but the assessment system was changed too. MTs. MA’ARIF NU 2 TARABAN the school which applied Kurikulum 2013. Based on the research assessment system still uses a simple way to use Microsoft Excel is less support for assessment system of kurikulum 2013 in terms of manageability (easy management). no centralization of data complicates the school management in value. The data can be accessed by all users make inconsistent data and security data is less reliable because of the absence of access rights for users. To the authors conducted research on MTs. MA’ARIF NU 2 TARABAN to designing an Information Systems Student Learning Outcomes Assessment to support the assessment of Kurikulum 2013 that applied by MTs. MA’ARIF NU 2 TARABAN.
Keyword: Learn Ressult, Student, Information System
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