Video Iklan sebagai media Promosi STMIK Amikom Purwokerto Berbasis Multimedia
The aim of this research is to create a video application as a media advertising campaign STIMIK AMIKOM purwokerto based on multimedia. The data collection methods. That are used to make this application is literature study methods, observation methods, and interview methods. For development of the system in this research is using luther methods, with the development of multimedia system is based on six stages are: concept, design, material, collecting, assembly, testing and distribution. This results in this research is video application as a advertising media campaign STIMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto based on multimedia. The results of this application has extension. Avi and can be run by using VCD/DVD, computer, upload it on website in the college and can be published on television. This application can be used to advertising media. The media advertising application as a promotion media STIMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto based on multimedia that used in anywhere because the presentation can be done with computer media and VCD/DVD media player and also can be acces on website.
IF0285 | IF 0285 RIY v | UPT. PERPUSTAKAAN (Kardus 16) | Tersedia |
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