Film Pendek Animasi 2 Dimensi Pengenalan Covid-19 Sebagai Media Penyuluhan Menggunakan Teknik Motion Graphic
Virus Corona adalah virus baru penyebab penyakit pernafasan. Virus ini berasal dari Cina. Virus corona bukanlah suatu wabah yang bisa diabaikan begitu saja, jika dilihat dari gejalanya orang awam akan mengiranya hanya sebatas influenza biasa. Di tahun 2020 perkembangan penularan virus COVID-19 cukup signifikan karena penyebarannya sudah mendunia termasuk Indonesia.Masyarakat saat ini harus diberikan edukasi mengenai penyakit tersebut agar dapat terhindar dari virus corona karena, masih ada masyarakat yang acuh terhadap penyebaran penyakit tersebut. Untuk mengantisipasi dan mengurangi jumlah penderita virus COVID-19 di Indonesia sudah dilakukan diseluruh daerah. Diantaranya dengan memberikan kebijakan membatasi aktivitas di luar rumah, kegiatan sekolah di rumahkan, bekerja dari rumah, bahkan kegiatan beribadah pun di rumah, serta melakukan sosialisasi mengenai Virus COVID-19.Dengan adanya Kemajuan teknologi saat ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media publikasi dalam pencegahan virus corona ini. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah sebuah film pendek animasi 2 Dimensi tentang Covid-19 untuk membantu edukasi pencegahan penyakit Covid-19. Dalam merancang pembuatan film pendek animasi 2 dimensi ini dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) yakni konsep, desain, pengumpulan material, pembuatan, pengujian dan pendistribusian. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner dapat disimpulkan bahwa responden setuju film pendek animasi 2 dimensi pengenalan COVID-19 sebagai media penyuluhan menggunakan teknik motion graphic mudah dipahami oleh masyarakat dan sudah layak untuk dipublikasikan dengan presentase nilai 81,9 % yang termasuk dalam kriteria sangat setuju.
Kata kunci: COVID-19, 2 dimensi, film pendek
Corona virus is a new virus that causes respiratory disease. This virus originated in China. The corona virus is not an epidemic that can be ignored, if seen from the symptoms, ordinary people would think it was only limited to ordinary influenza. In 2020 the development of the transmission of the COVID-19 virus is quite significant because it has spread worldwide, including Indonesia. The community must now be given education about the disease in order to avoid the corona virus because there are still people who are ignorant of the spread of the disease. To anticipate and reduce the number of sufferers of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia, this has been carried out in all regions. Among them by providing policies to limit activities outside the home, school activities at home, working from home, even worship activities at home, as well as disseminating information about the COVID-19 Virus. With current technological advances it can be used as a publication media in preventing the corona virus. this. Therefore, a 2-dimensional animated short film about Covid-19 was made to help education on the prevention of Covid-19 disease. In designing this 2-dimensional animated short film using the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) development method, namely the concept, design, material collection, manufacture, testing and distribution. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it can be concluded that the respondents agreed that the 2-dimensional animated short film on the introduction of COVID-19 as a media of education using motion graphic techniques is easy to understand by the public and is feasible to be published with a percentage value of 81.9% which is included in the criterion strongly agree.
Keywords: COVID-19, 2 dimension, short film
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