Efektivitas Dynamic virtual Map Pada Gamified Massive Open Online Course Platform Terhadap Kebebasan Siswa Dalam Belajar
Gamified Massive Open Online Courses (G-MOOCs) merupakan platform Learning Management System (LMS) yang dibangun berdasarkan framework gamifikasi (MARC Gamification Framework), yang menggunakan beberapa aspek pendekatan dari sisi game elements, social learning, motivation theory dan interactive learning environtment (ILE). Untuk menuju pembelajaran yang interaktif dapat diwujudkan dengan game elements, salah satunya fitur Virtual Map yang berisi konten kursus seperti video, kuis dan forum diskusi, kemudian ditampilkan dalam bentuk peta virtual seperti layaknya dalam game. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan 1) cara membangun prototype Dynamic Virtual Map pada Gamified Massive Open Online Courses Platform dan 2) seberapa besar efektif penggunaan Dynamic Virtual Map pada Gamified Massive Open Online Courses Platform terhadap kebebasan siswa dalam belajar. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini berupa kuesioner dari 70 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam membangun Dynamic Virtual pada Gamified Massive Open Online Courses menggunakan metode prototype. Selain itu, diperoleh bahwa persentase efektivitas penggunaan Dynamic Virtual Map pada Gamified Massive Open Online Courses Platform terhadap kebebasan siswa dalam belajar sebesar 80,43% sehingga Dynamic Virtual Map dapat dikategorikan sangat efektif untuk kebebasan siswa dalam memilih materi mana yang akan dilewati terlebih dahulu dalam pembelajaran online dan siap diimplementasikan di G-MOOCs
Kata kunci: Dinamic Map, Prototype, Efektif
Gamified Massive Open Online Courses (G-MOOCs) are a Learning Management System (LMS) platform built on the gamification framework (MARC Gamification Framework), which uses several aspects of the approach in terms of game elements, social learning, motivation theory and interactive learning environment (ILE). To get interactive learning, it can be realized with game elements, one of them is the Virtual Map feature which contains course content such as videos, quiz and discussion forums, then displayed in the form of a virtual map like in a game. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The purpose of this research is to describe 1) how to build a Dynamic Virtual Map prototype on the Gamified Massive Open Online Courses Platform and 2) how much effective use of Dynamic Virtual Map on the Gamified Massive Open Online Courses Platform for students' freedom in learning. The data obtained in this research is a questionnaire from 70 respondents. The results showed that in building a Dynamic Virtual on Gamified Massive Open Online Courses using the prototype method. In addition, it was found that the percentage of the effectiveness of using Dynamic Virtual Map on the Gamified Massive Open Online Courses Platform on student freedom in learning was 80,43% so that the Dynamic Virtual Map can be categorized as very effective for students' freedom in choosing which material to pass first in online learning and ready to be implemented in G-MOOCs.
Keyword: Dynamic Map, Prototype, Effective
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