Presensi Perangkat Desa Berbasis Website Menggunakan Fingerprint (Studi Kasus: Balai Desa Sokawera)
Penelitian yang dilakukan berjudul Presensi Perangkat Desa Berbasis Website Mengguanakan Fingerprint. Penelitian memfokuskan pada proses presensi yang ada di balai desa Sokawera yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah proses presensi, monitoring kehadiran perangkat desa dan menghindari kecurangan. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Waterfall. Adapun metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observarsi dan dokumen. Tahap pengujian guna mengetahui alat yang telah dibuat sudah memenuhi apa yang di harapkan berdasar hasil proses kebutuhan dan desain dari sudut pengguna metode blackbox testing dan user acceptance testing yang di uji oleh 11 orang perankat desa Sokawera dengan hasil rata-rata 82,50% sehingga termasuk dalam kategori sangat setuju.
Kata kunci: Website, fingerprint, perangkat desa, waterfall.
Research conducted titled Website-Based Village Presence Using Fingerprints. The study focused on the presence of the presence in the Sokawera village hall which aims to simplify the attendance process, monitoring the presence of village officials and avoiding fraud. The development method used in this study is Waterfall. The data collection method uses interviews, observations and documents. The testing phase to find out the tools that have been made already meet what is expected based on the results of the needs and design process from the point of view of the users of blackbox testing and user acceptance testing which was tested by 11 people of the role of the Sokawera village with an average yield of 82.50% so that it was included in the category of strongly agree.
Keywords: Website, fingerprint, village apparatus, waterfall.
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