Evaluasi Teknologi Informasi PT Pertani Cabang Banyumas Menggunakan Framework Cobit 5.0
bibliografi: hal. 66
PT Pertani Cabang Banyumas merupakan Badan Usaha yang telah mengimplementasikan teknologi informasi untuk membatu meningkatkan operasi dan pelayanan yang terbaik. PT Pertani cabang Banyumas bergerak disektor pertanian dengan bisnis utama meliputi produsen dan distributor pupuk, beras, benih dan juga aneka sarana produksi pertanian dan juga aneka usaha yang meliputi perdagangan hasil bumi lainya. Pemanfaatan dan implementasi TI di PT Pertani Cabang Banyumas masih mengalami kendala yaitu keterlambatan input laporan ke Pusat yang disebabkan karena sistem error, overloading karena proses yang melebihi kapasitas sehingga proses masukan data dan pengiriman laporan menjadi lambat, padahal terdapat permintaan dari pusat agar pengiriman laporan tepat waktu. Sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah rekomendasi yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja operasional TI pada PT Pertani Cabang Banyumas. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan Framework COBIT 5 yang difokuskan pada domain DSS dengan subdomain proses DSS01 - Manage Operation subdomain proses DSS02 – Manage Service Request and Incident serta subdomain DSS03-Manage Problem. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kapabilitas proses DSS01, DSS02 serta DSS03 agar dapat merumuskan rekomendasi yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja operasional TI pada PT. Pertani Cabang Banyumas. Hasil perhitungan capability level yang diperoleh pada domain proses DSS01 - Manage Operation domain proses DSS02 – Manage Service Request and Incident serta domain DSS03-Manage Problem pada PT Pertani Cabang Banyumas berada pada level 2 (Manage Process).
kata kunci: Teknologi Informasi, COBIT, DSS01, DSS02, DSS03
PT Pertani Banyumas Branch is a Business Entity that has implemented information technology to help improve operations and the best service. PT Pertani Banyumas branch is engaged in the agriculture sector with the main company selling producers and distributors of fertilizer, rice, seeds and also various agricultural production facilities and also various businesses that include other agricultural products trading. Utilization and implementation of IT in PT Pertani Banyumas Branch still require renewal, including delays in the input of reports to the Center that cause system errors, overload due to processes that consume capacity to increase data input processes and report delivery increases, even though. IT that needs to be improved IT can help improve IT performance at PT Pertani Banyumas Branch. This research was conducted using the COBIT 5 Framework which is run on the DSS domain with the subdomain process DSS01 - Manage Operations of the DSS02 subdomain process - Manage Service Requests and Incidents and DSS03-Manage Problem subdomains. With the aim to determine the capability level of the DSS01, DSS02 and DSS03 processes so that recommendations can be formulated that can improve IT operational performance at PT. Pertani Banyumas Branch. The results of the capability level calculation are obtained in the DSS01 domain process - Manage the DSS02 domain operations process - Manage Service and Incident Requests and DSS03 domain-Manage Problems at PT Pertani Banyumas Branch according to level 2 (Manage Process).
Keyword: Information Technology, COBIT, DSS01, DSS02, DSS03
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