Implementasi Internet of Things Untuk Monitoring Kelembaban Tanah Tanaman Padi Berbasis Android Dengan Arduino Uno
bibliografi: hal. 67
tempuh += 50 menit dengan berjalan kaki. Kondisi jalan yang sebagian rusak, sumber mata air yang ikut kering jika musim kemarau, serta perbedaan cuaca antara rumah petani dengan sawahnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) untuk memonitoring kelembaban tanah tanaman padi berbasis android menggunakan arduino uno dan soil moisture sensor FC-28 secara realtime sehingga petani dapat memonitoring kelembaban tanah sawahnya melalui aplikasi android. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah waterfall. Hasil pengujian dari prototype alat ini dapat memonitoring kelembaban tanah tanaman padi secara realtime pada aplikasi android menggunakan koneksi server localhost dengan waktu 8-35 detik dari delay yang tentukan pada arduino uno yaitu 10 detik.
Kata Kunci: arduino uno, soil moisture sensor FC-28, realtime, kelembaban tanah, Internet of Things (IoT).
Indonesia is an agrarian country with the majority of the population living in agriculture. Soil moisture is water that fills some or all of the pores of the soil which is above the water table. In the village of Wlahar Kulon, Patikraja Subdistrict, Banyumas Regency, there is a lowland that is close to the Serayu River and the hills allow rice to be planted. But farmers in the area who have paddy fields in the hills rarely come to their fields because of the distance + = 4 km with travel time + = 50 minutes on foot. The condition of the partially damaged roads, springs that come dry during the dry season, as well as the weather difference between the farmer's house and the rice fields. The purpose of this study is to implement Internet of Things (IoT) technology to monitor soil moisture in android-based rice plants using Arduino Uno and FC-28 soil moisture sensors in real time so that farmers can monitor their soil moisture through the Android application. The system development method used in this study is the waterfall. The test results of this prototype tool can monitor the soil moisture of rice plants in realtime on an android application using the localhost server connection with 8-35 seconds of the delay specified in Arduino Uno which is 10 seconds.
Keywords: Arduino Uno, soil moisture sensor FC-28, realtime, soil moist, Internet of Things (IoT)
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