Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Metode Enterprise Architectue Planning pada SMK YPT 2 Purbalingga
bibliografi: hal. 80
perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menghasilkan persaingan yang semakin kompetitif antar organisasi, hal ini juga berlaku di dunia pendidikan. sekolah memiliki tanggung jawab cukup besar dalam melayani pendidikan masyarakat sehingga sekolah harus memiliki kemampuan respon dengan cepat berbagai perubahan yang ada, namun tetap memenuhi standar yang telah ditentukan oleh kementrian pendidikan dan kebudayaan, dalam hal standar nasional pendidikan (SNP). enterprise architecture planning sebagai salah satu metode atau kerangka acuan untukmembangun arsitektur data, aplikasi dan teknologi serta perencanaan impolementasi dari arsitektur yang telah dibuat untuk mendukung aktivitas bisnis demi pencapaian misi organisasi. penelitian ini dilakukan untukmembantu menemukan jakan keluar dari masalah yang sedang dihadapi SMK YPT 2 Purbalingga, dengan menggunkaan metode enterprise architecture planning (EAP) dalam kerangka kerja Zachman framework dan dibantu menggunakan berbagai tools. pengolahan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif. hasil dari penelitian ini berupa usulan strategi SI Bisnis berupa trend IS future portofolio masa yang akan datang.
The development of information and communication technology results in increasingly competitive competition between organizations, this also applies in the world of education. Schools have considerable responsibility in serving community education so schools must have the ability to respond quickly to various changes, but still meet the standards set by the Ministry of Education and Culture, in terms of National Education Standards (SNP). Enterprise Architecture Planning as one of the methods or terms of reference for building an information architecture oriented to business needs which consists of data architecture, applications and technology and planning implementation of the architecture that has been made to support business activities for the achievement of the organization's mission. This research was conducted to help find a way out of the problems being faced by YPT 2 Purbalingga Vocational School, by using the Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) method within the Zachman Framework framework and assisted by using several tools. Data processing in this study was conducted using qualitative methods. The results of this study are the proposed Business SI strategy in the form of IS Future Portfolio trends in the future.
Keyword : Ministry Education and Culture, Enterprise Architecture Planning, Zachman Framework.
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