Penerapan Color grading pada Pembuatan Video Klip Lagu "Kelinci'
bibliografi: hal. 61
Penciptaan lagu "kelinci" dengan video klip teknik live shooting sebagai sarana promosi merupakan jawaban atas keprihatinan terhadap lagu anak yang saat ini didominasi oleh lagu lama. tekniklive shooting dengan obyek nyata yang diperankan oleh anak-anak langsung sebagai artis lebih populer daripada video klip animasi atau perpaduan antara animasi dan live shooting. pembuatan video klip lagu anak "kelinci" menggunkan kamera canon EOS 60D dan lensa fix canon 50mm. media promosi yang ditempuih melalui keikutsertaan dalam lomba cipta lagu anak Indonesia tahun 2018 dan mengupload video klipnya ke youtube. lagu anak berjudul kelinci membawa pesan moral mendidik sesuai denga psikologi anak dan dapat menambag khasanah lagu indonesia.
The song creation “Kelinci” with Live Shooting technique clip video as promotion media is the answer of the concern of the kid song now which is dominated of the old song. Live shooting technique with the real object who is roled by children as the artist directly, it is more popular than animation clip video or the combination of animation and live shooting. The creation of the clip kid song video “Kelinci” use Canon EOS 60D camera dan Fix Canon 50mm lens. The promotion media that is passed throught the participation of “Indonesian kids song creation competion 2018” and uploaded it to the Youtube. The kids song video with the titled “Kelinci” brings the moral value to teach them suitable with the children physchological and increasing the value of Indonesia kids song. The song clip video “Kelinci” with live shooting technique can increase the image of that song it self, so it iseasier to be accepted by the people and the asrtist will be popular. The clip video with live shooting technique is very appropriate as promotion media.
Keyword : Kid Song, Clip Video, Live Shooting
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