Prototype Keamanan Pintu Rumah Menggunakan E-KTP dan RTD Berbasis Arduino Nano
bibliografi: hal. 56
kurangnya tingkat keamanan rumah seperti penggunaan kunci pintu konvensional saat ini, menjadikan celah bagi pelaku tindak kriminalitas pencurian maupun pembobolan. seiring berkembangnya teknologi terutama bagian keamanan dapat menjadi solusi untuk menggantikan sistem keamanan pintu rumah konvensional saat ini. dengan memanfaatkan identitas seperti id card e-KTP guna sebagai protokol pengamanan, hal tersebut dapat dikembangkan untuk keamanan karena memenuhi fungsi keamanan yaitu verifikasi. selain dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan suatu sistem keamanan, e-KTP juga berfungsi untuk identitas warga negara Indonesia. Maka dibuatlah sebuah prototype keamanan pintu rumah menggunakan e-KTP dan RFID berbasis arduino nano sebagai tahap awal implementasi dalam dunia nyata tentang keamanan rumah. sistem ini berguna untuk meningkatkan keamanan rumah. penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data dari badan statistik tentang pencurian dan wawancara kepada salah satu orang yang mengalami pencurian rumah. sehingga dapat dihasilkan sebuah prototype keamanan pintu rumah menggunakan e-KTP dan RFID berbasis arduino uno. dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan e-KTP untuk meningkatkan keamanan rumah dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan sistem keamanan rumah konvensional saat ini.
Information systems have an important role in providing information to management. To determine the performance of information systems it is necessary to do an evaluation. The main objective in a hospital information system (SIRUS) is to find out the results of SIRUS assessment based on Human factors, Organization, technology and utilization net benefits, find out the effect of SIRUS based on Human factors on net income, learn the effect of SIRUS evaluation based on Organizational factors on net income and study the effect of SIRUS assessment based on factors Technology on net income. This research was conducted at Ananda Purwokerto Hospital and the sample size in this study with the Slovin method which obtained 75 respondents from SIRUS users. Data obtained through questionnaires collected by respondents and collected with a Likert scale. The evaluation method that is suitable to be used to measure the level of success of information systems and the relationship between important components in information systems in government organizations or public institutions is Human Organizations and Technology (HOT-Fit). The variables in this study include system quality, information quality, service quality, system users, user satisfaction, organizational structure, facility conditions, top management support, and benefits taken from the HOT-Fit model by eliminating organizational environment variables and adding reinforcement and condition support variables amenities. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) as an alternative SEM based on variants. Based on the results of hypothesis testing by looking at the t-statistic values using SmartPLS, where the total hypothesis is 9 (nine), 6 (six) hypotheses have positive and significant values, namely information quality, organizational structure, facility conditions, top management support, user support for net benefits and findings of 3 (three) hypotheses negative or insignificant value is the quality system, the quality service to system users.
Keyword : evaluation, HOT-Fit, Hospital Information System
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