Evaluasi Implementasi Sistem Informasi Kependudukan Berbasis SIAK Pada Kantor Kecamatan Purwokerto Timur menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Cobit 5.0
bibliograsi: hal. 72-73
Penggunaan sistem informasi saat ini sudah banyak diterapkan pada kantor desa maupun kantor kecamatan, salah satunya yaitu pada Kantor Kecamatan Purwokerto Timur Kabupaten Banyumas yang saat ini bertugas dalam pelayanan publik dan telah didukung oleh teknologi informasi berupa Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan (SIAK) sebagai penunjang proses pelayanan masyarakat. Peneliti menggunakan framework COBIT 5, dengan metode pengumpulan data seperti wawancara, dokumentasi, studi pustaka, dan kuesioner. Hasil total perhitungan capability level di Kantor Kecamatan Purwokerto Timur berada di range 4,3 artinya capability level berada pada level 4 (Predictable Process) yaitu telah berhasil melaksanakan proses IT dan tujuan proses IT tersebut cukup tercapai dan sempurna.
Kata Kunci : COBIT 5, SIAK, Capability Level.
The use of information systems is now widely applied to village offices and sub-district offices, one of which is the East Purwokerto District Office of Banyumas Regency which is currently serving in public services and has been supported by information technology in the form of Population Administration Information System (SIAK) to support the service process the community. Researchers use COBIT 5 framework, with data collection methods such as interviews, documentation, literature studies, and questionnaires. The total result of capability level calculation in the East Purwokerto District Office is in the range of 4.3 meaning that the capability level is at level 4 (Predictable Process) which has successfully implemented the IT process and the goal of the IT process is quite achieved and perfect.
Keywords: COBIT 5, SIAK, Capability Level.
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