Sistem Pakar Rekomendasi Profesi Berdasarkan Kepribadian Menggunakan Metode Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Karangtalun village is a village located in the North of Cilacap, Cilacap. Most of the residents in the village Karangtalun not know his personality as well as a suitable profession in accordance with his personality. Often one person in taking up the profession does not fit his personality. So in this study, a system based on expert recommendations profession personality to overcome these problems. The purpose of this research is to design and create a system based on expert recommendations profession personality using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to determine personality. In this study, the media used and the web-based Android and uses a MySQL database. Tests carried out in the village Karangtalun, Cilacap North. The method of collecting data using interviews, questionnaires, and literature. As for system development using Rapid Application Development (RAD). The results of this study are an expert system based on professional recommendations personality using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and web-based android that can determine the personality and advise a suitable profession for users.
Keywords: Expert system, profession, personality, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Rapid Application Development
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