Game "Petualangan Dokter Kecil"Menggunakan Unity 3D
bibliografi: hal. 60
Game is the activity of unstructured or semi-structured, which is usually done for fun - fun and sometimes also used as a learning tool. Little doctor is a strategic health agents to improve the health of children in school. The purpose of social services to the community is to improve the knowledge of small doctor neighbor of individual hygiene, environmental health, nutrition, and school cafeteria, also to improve the skills of small physician in observing the growth of school children. Lack of awareness of children in maintaining the health of ourselves and environmental hygiene at school and at home. In addition, conventional learning seem monotonous and makes students feel bored, and influence the activity of small physician. Their game app aims to provide knowledge about environmental hygiene and healthy behavior for children. Development of the system used is MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle). In manufacturing system uses Unity 3D and Adobe CS6. It was concluded that the small adventure games doctor successfully created, the game is created as a support to play while learning in children.
Keywords: Game, Doctor small, MDLC
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