Video Iklan Sebagai Media Promosi Wisata Sanggaluri Park Purbalingga
bibliografi: hal. 56
The times bring an advantage technology used. One of them is video which is able to see anywhere. Just need a device which is has an internet connection people can see an information.With many existing tourism in Purbalingga city especially educational tours Sanggaluri Park makes the competition to attract the tourists. Introducing tourism is one that tourists interested in coming to the tourist attractions. With the media campaign that is more interesting is expected to further increase revenue and to improve the image.The purpose of this study is to make video advertising as a media campaign so that people interested in traveling to Sanggaluri Park in Purbalingga City. Data collection method used is book study method , interviews, and documentation. For the development system consisting of six stages concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing and distribution. The results of this study in the form of video advertising as a promotional medium Sanggaluri Park travel Purbalingga mp4 extension and will be distributed by compact disk media and on youtube channel.
Keyword : video, media, promotian
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