ABSTRACT From the analysis results obtained are the need for availability of a media that is quite effective in introducing tourism and travel agencies in Banjarnegara district. The purpose of this paper is to generate a mobile application that can facilitate the public or tourists looking for an information about tourist sites and travel agencies in Banjarnegara district. This application i…
ABSTRACTS The research entiled decision supporter system of acceplance selection of new student by using Analitical Hierarchy Process and Technique for Order Preference by Similiry to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The aim of this research wasto apply Analitical Hierarchy Process metod (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similiry to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) in creating decision suppotr syst…
Abstrak Pada saat sekarang ini masih banyak sekali ketika orang akan mengukur tinggi badannya masih menggunakan alat ukur tinggi yang sifatnya manual. Untuk mengetahui tinggi pasti akan membutuhkan bantuan orang lain. Dengan kemajuan teknologi khusunya dibidang elektronika saat ini sudah ada sebuah chip dimana chip tersebut bisa digunakan untuk membuat alat ukur tinggi badan digital. Dimana …