ABSTRAK Penelitian perancangan game lompat karung menggunakan unity ini bertujuan sebagai media hiburan kepada masyarakat umum melalui media game. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi ini adalah metode kepustakaan. Untuk pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah metode MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle). Metode ini mempunyai 6 tahapan yaitu konsep, perancangan,…
ABTRACTS This study titled Birth Certificate Registration Information System WebBased. The purpose of this study is to design an information system of registration of birth certificates in the Department of Population and Civil Registration. Data collection method used is observation, literature study, interviews and questionnaires. The system development method used i…
ABSTRACTS Purbalingga Regency has many local tourism objects governed by local Department of Culture Tourism Youth and Sport. Tourism of Purbalingga offers tourist attraction that has many charms and features that are typical in those places. Nonetheless, the lack of attention given by the government particularly in term of promotion that has become a hurdle to the advancement of tourism in …
ABSTRACT Junior High School 2 Paguyangan is one of the educational institutions in the district of Bradford, located at Jalan Raya Pandansari subdistrict Paguyangan Brebes. Based on the results of interviews have been conducted with the Junior High School 2 Paguyangan information on the site is done in the conventional are like announcement in the bulletin board or by the teacher, there is n…
ABSTRACT SMK Sriwijaya 2 Wangon is a private school which has three departments of Light Vehicle Engineering, Computer Engineering and Networks, and Accounting. In the manual registration process is to fill out a form that has been provided by the school as well as the delivery of information fast enough. With the number of applicants who are many, the committee will have…
ABSTRACT Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Pemalang Universities are educational institutions oriented to the development of educational sciences. In his capacity as an independent religious colleges who are currently experiencing significant progress and currently has 5 courses. Along with the development of this university, process of academic information which has been running is less e…
ABSTRACT Pondok Delima Restaurant is one of the restaurants located at Jalan Gunung Muria, Grendeng, North Purwokerto. The business was founded by Mrs. Jasmini in 2009. Pondok Delima Restaurant’s ordering service still manual, it written into the order paper and cashier's report to the kitchen. As for the payment the buyer must report to the cashier if payment is happened in the last t…
Abstrak SMK Negeri 1 Kalibagor memiliki sistem transaksi pembayaran administrasi sekolah yang bersifat konvensional atau masih menggunakan pencatatan buku besar dan rekap transaksi harian. Beberapa masalah yang terjadi adalah ketidaksamaan data pembayaran yang dimiliki siswa dengan sekolah dan salah perhitungan rekap tunggakan karena dalam perhitungannya masih menggunakan kalkulator. Dengan ko…
ABSTRAK Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) secara umum dapat diartikan sebagai proses transaksi jual beli secara elektronik melalui media internet. Dengan adanya teknologi e-commerce, saat ini penjual maupun pembeli tidak harus bertemu secara langsung untuk dapat melakukan transaksi jual beli. Konsumen dapat melihat profile perusahaan melalui website e-commerce, membaca dan melihat produk yang…
Banyumas merupakan salah satu kabutpaten yang terdapat diprovinsi jawa tengah. di daerah ini banyak terdapat beberapa lokawisata yang dapat kita kunjungi. banyumas memiliki tiga jenis pariwisata, yaitu wisata religi, wisata budaya, dan wisata alam.