ABSTRACT Internet and web is rapidly eveloving information technology at this time. Because in can access 24 hours nonstop to make the internet and websites are on effective means for the dissemination of information and promotion. Website technology already being used by opertors in running the busines. One of the businesses that take advantage of this technology is the travel services web…
ABSTRACT Tk Pertiwi Kejobong is one kindergarten located in the village kejobong, Kabupaten Purbalingga. Kindergarten is an education that forms the basic pattern and patterns of thinking the child to the next level. Generally, children at this age have high imajenasi so that it can influence the attitudes and behavior of children from what he has seen. At this time the progress of the anima…
ABSTRACT Use technology smartphone andrioid , writer make application for it can display information related to findings about in this world .Because by using android could display audio and visual simultaneously , as well as having the appearance of interesting and it is more efficient. Android having positive value than the other smartphone that is from a lower price, kostumisasi high , mo…
ABSTRACT This study aims to build a knowledge-based system of psychology in diagnosing autism disorders in early childhood based on Android that can help users find out information gross motor developmental disorders in children. This research receipts prototype system development methods . Inference engine used to use forward chaining . The final results obtained f…
ABSTRACT Internet presence, although still a new industry in a growth phase, which is constantly changing and full of uncertainty, has strengthened belief in the importance of the role of technology in achieving corporate financial goals through modification and efficiency of business processes is by using the E-Commerce. E-Commerce or Trade electronis is basically buying or selling activity…
ABSTRACT Advances in information technology are now growing rapidly. Where many users today tend to use Android smartphones as there are applications that are attractive and easy to use and attractive game game also served in playstore for free. Game grown very rapidly over time and the progress of time, in terms of graphics, the size and quality of the 2d to 3d. Game very attractive among c…
ABSTRACT Processing value and attendance of students in SMA Negeri 1 Adipala still getting in trouble because for making a report that takes a long time and not neat. To deliver the information academic in SMA Negeri 1 Adipala still do manually, also the value and attendance of students to the parents only given at the end of the semester. So, usually there is openness between students and…
ABSTRACT Toserba Jadi Baru Kroya is the one of place that need parking information system. This information system need for counting how many vehicle came. The problem that occured in Toserba Jadi Baru Kroya is a calculation ticket parking in manuals resulting employees late for go home, this happened 4-5 times in a month. Error calulation happend 2-3 times a week. Parking data recording onl…
ABSRACT This study, entitled Media Promotion of Housing Based LBS (Location Based Service). as for the purpose of this study was to develop an application media campaign based housing LBS (Location Based Service) with the Library Google Play Service and Augmented Reality (AR) to promote / advertise the housing, so it can help prospective buyers in finding and knowing the location of housing,…
ABSTRACT Research titled sign language dictionary application in Android. The goal of this research is to make an application android-based sign language dictionary. The data collection method of this thesis using the three methods, namely observation, interview, and literature study. System development methods used in this study is a model waterfall method. Results from this study is the ap…