ABSTRACT Making the human skeleton application using three-dimensional unity as a learning medium . In the process of teaching and learning activities , especially in science subjects students lack an understanding of the human skeleton . This study aims to make media interactive learning of human bones to help teachers in facilitating deliver material to students by utilizing application -b…
ABSTRACTS Sindoro Satriamas Shuttle Purwokerto is a company engaged in the field of transportation services with the concept of a point of departure to point of destination or often called the shuttle service. Along with the development of this company, the process of ticket reservation and ticket payment is still considered less effective. The purpose of this paper is to make a trip ticket …
ABSTRACT In karate basic techniques or kihon are part of the most important run movement as a prelude to master the techniques of karate. But what happened in the field of karate, especially new members do not really master the basic techniques of karate, because given that the basic movement techniques exercises that continues to be repeated and tedious, resulting in delays in the coaching …
ABSTRACT South Rebel is a distro that sells T-shirts, shirts, pants, hats, bags, shoes, jackets, and wristbands. Due to the recently established, and in doing activities still using the media campaign is simple: just tell the prospective buyer through his friends only, and to date distributions South Rebel yet have a media that can help customers who are outside the city to conduct transacti…
ABSTRAK Penelitian perancangan game lompat karung menggunakan unity ini bertujuan sebagai media hiburan kepada masyarakat umum melalui media game. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi ini adalah metode kepustakaan. Untuk pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah metode MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle). Metode ini mempunyai 6 tahapan yaitu konsep, perancangan,…
ABSTRACT Sendang Mas Museum is a museum that presents the historical relics, art and antiquities. Many relics of history, art, science, antique pity to be abandoned amid the rapid development of technology today. Research Applications manufacture Guide Wisata Sendang Mas Museum is expected to help the public / visitors to get to know and understand and cultivate history in Indonesia. Applica…
Abstract Panji Natural Gems is a store that sells a wide variety of agate and pendants made from precious stones. The transaction and marketing of Panji Natural Gems still use the conventional system that the buyer must come to the store for buy some product, so it’s too time consuming. The purpose of this paper is to make Aplikasi Penjualan Batu Akik Berbasis Website that facilitate and s…
ABSTRACT Indonesia has a variety of different cultures, but Indonesia has similarities in activities to commemorate the day of independence, one of the race 17's as a symbol to commemorate independence day. Independence Day race in Indonesia is very diverse, we have an obligation to have all things that are traditionally this can be inherited to the next generation because of something that …
ABTRACTS This study titled Birth Certificate Registration Information System WebBased. The purpose of this study is to design an information system of registration of birth certificates in the Department of Population and Civil Registration. Data collection method used is observation, literature study, interviews and questionnaires. The system development method used i…
ABSTRACT Education is conscious effort and planned to realize the atmosphere learning and learning that participants students actively develop the potential himself. Quite serious problems in the world education is dropping out of school, especially in kabupaten banyumas that was still quite high. The purpose of this research is to make a animated film 3 dimensions simple titled “ Perjalan…