ABSTRAKS Sepeda motor merupakan salah satu alat transportasi favorit masyarakat indonesia, tak terkecuali bagi warga masyarakat di daerah Purwokerto yang banyak melakukan aktifitas dengan sepeda motor. Perlunya perawatan dan perbaikan saat terjadi kerusakan pada sepeda motor menuntut pengendara untuk memiliki banyak informasi tentang keberadaan bengkel sepeda motor di daerah yang sering di k…
ABSTRACT Information technology is now experiencing very rapid development. Along with very good infrastructure yag infrastructure there, indirectly change the way manisia in the use of multimedia, which is one form of technology informatics. This time in the form of advertisements 3D (Three Dimensional) is still recognized as one of the most effective ways to promote a product to market in …
ABSTRACT SMK Kesatrian Purwokerto as one of the schools are growing rapidly of course, but still using manual systems in paying the student so that it appears the problems that arise such as data management problems such payments is still a lack of clear information delinquent on student data, there are still errors in writing and calculation errors on reports, as we…
ABSTRACTS Applications Location Based Services and Augmented Reality is used to display maps and information about attractions located in the province of Central Java. This application generates information and visualization of objects in the form of maps that can be used as a reference for android mobile device users in decision-making, especially in the search for tourist sites are located…
ABSTRACTS Animation is a medium which is widely used in a variety of ways, one of which is used in a 2D movie. Animation movie 2D can be used as a medium of information that is most appropriate to convey something like the introduction of folklore as well as the delivery of moral messages to children and adults. Many ways or techniques to create a animation movie 2D, one of which is digital …
ABSTRACT Science becomes compulsory subject in junior high school. One material in junior high school class VIII material that coverage can not be significantly is the science that is sub-chapter on the human respiratory system. The materials include the following process of inspiration and expiration, then everything that happens in the human. Multimedia plays an important role in helping t…
ABSTRACT Report cardsarestudent learning outcomesweresummarized inareportbookvalue ofstudent, report cardusuallycontainsthe accumulatedvalue ofacademicand non-academic studentsconcerned andgiven to parentsorguardians of studentseverysemester. One of the constraintsofthe evaluationreportis the limitedtimeandthe place to seethe evaluation ofthe valueofthe studentsconcern…
ABSTRACT This study, entitled Development of Media Information-Based Augmented Reality for "TRASI" Movie. The purpose of this research is to develop media-based information Augmented Reality video on a catalog of films in the E-Max Family Karaoke, Lounge & Cinema Purwokerto making it easier for customers to search the trailer or synopsis of the movie that you want to watch because of the pre…
ABSTRACT Increasing the number of tourists from year to year if in view of the percentage and the evaluation of the Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism in particular to the history of the museum tour, as the development of increasingly sophisticated technology museum tours increasingly left behind by tourists. If in view of the benefits that exist in the museum tour is not only …
ABSTRACT Deaf children suffering stemmed from the difficulty hearing, so that the formation of the language as one way of communicating be hampered. For it is required a medium of learning in accordance with their characteristic and learning media should set out the functions of the sense of vision. The purpose of this research is to create a learning media to suit the needs of the deaf and …