ABSTRACT One of the entertainment media that is currently in demand is a game, a game is a recreational activity with the goal of having fun, or spend leisure time. Game desirable because it presents a direct interaction between gamming devices and users. That is evidenced by the increasing number of downloads for the game index. Games usually done alone or together. Currently the trend a…
ABSTRACT TK Pertiwi 2 Cihonje an Early Childhood Education Unit in formal with 5-6 years of age, which is located in the hamlet Cogreg Rt 01 Rw 12 Village Cihonje, Gumelar subdistrict, Banyumas. Material taught in kindergarten are grouped in learning programs such as Religion and Morals noble, Social and Personality, Science and Technology, Aesthetics, Physical Sports and Health. The program…
ABSTRACT Everyone would want a comfortable holiday but at the same time as learning like a picnic to the zoo especially for children. Because existence of various constraints, such as limited time parents, the costs and the distance that sometimes makes many parents are reluctant to go on vacation. This is what often makes the child was under pressure due to the lack of recreational f…
ABSTRACT Batik is a kind of fabric trertentu made specifically with typical motifs, which instantly recognizable public. In the past, batik is widely used by the people of Indonesia in the area of Java. It was confined to the patrician class of keratin with very strict rules. That is, not careless people should wear batik, especially on certain motives defined as a motive ban to a wide audie…
Abstract By know and remember heroes Indonesia will certainly make us more concerned about the history of the heroes of the revolution, especially Indonesia. The introduction of the hero is currently only in the form of a book, along with advances in technology certainly interactive game application or knowledge required in the Indonesian history. Look and pay attention to the problem above,…
ABSTRACT The learning process is a form of communication which valued educational activities that occurred between teachers and students. Generally, the success rate of the learning process is determined by several factors and one of those factors is the medium used by teachers to deliver material to their students. The formal learning process in children begun at least from 7 years old, cal…
ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat Game Edukasi Pengenalan Kebudayaan Indonesia di SD Negeri 03 Salebu. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk membuat desain ini adalah metode wawancara dan kepustakaan. Untuk pengembangan sistem dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode MDLC (Multimedia Develope Life Circle). Hasil penelitian ini berupa game edukasi untuk anak sekolah dasa…
ABSTRACT Multimedia and music nowadays is an indispensable part. Especially in the making of clip video. Clip video can be point of interest for society know a new band. Like Limbah Industri band that have first clip video for their first song “Lawan Hancurkan”, Limbah Industri want make clip video again for their second song “Babi Betina”. They choose 2D animation that made with Ad…
ABSTRACTS This desktop application built using Visual Basic and MySQL as database. These applications include Infaq, Zakat fitrah and Sacrifice transaction at mosque Nurul Islam boarding school Miftahussalam Banyumas. With this application, the financial manager of the mosque will be facilitated in every respect of the transaction process, calculation, recaps, until making the report as t…
ABSTRACT Technological development is characterized by ease of getting information, it requires all agencies or user can utilize technology to the fullest. Credit Unions Citizens Jaya is a cooperative consisting of employees and employee DINHUBKOMINFO Kab. BANYUMAS established in the 1980s until today. From the period 1980-2015 the recording of members is still done with the help of the ledg…