RINGKASAN CV.Klinik Rebel Ajibarang merupakan sebuah toko berlatar belakang penjualan dalam bentuk pakaian jadi dan accecories. Namun CV.Klinik Rebel Ajibarang masih menggunakan sistem manual dalam melakukan pencatatan data transaksi penjualan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Merancang dan membangun Sistem Informasi Online Penjualan Pakaian Jadi Di CV.Klinik Rebel Ajibarang yang dapat membantu da…
ABSTRACT Learning media growing packaged in the form of educational games, every child will like playing a game, with this educational game to motivate children to want to always learn and to help teachers deliver the material. Hence the need for educational game apps that can increase the interest to learn reading and recognize letters hijaiyah. This educational game applied to a s…
ABSTRACT An early age is an age that is crucial in the formation of character and personality of the child. At the time of playing, an early age is the best way to develop the potential of children. The potential can develop optimally by increasing the effectiveness of learning students which are supported by the use of instructional media that combine elemen…
ABSTRACT In this study, the authors apply the concept of learning-based android with the title Elementary Mathematics Learning Applications For Android-Based SD. This application is specially designed with the purpose of delivering materials basic math such as counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This application was designed to be played by all students of class 1 …
ABSTRACT The advances in science and technology has brought great influence on education , one of which is the medium of learning to use the smartphone with android operating system . On the basis of this research was conducted with the aim of utilizing the android smartphone devices as a supporting medium of learning to read in kindergarten . This research was conducted by Multimedia Develo…
ABSTRACT Smk muhammadiyah somagede is the school on somagede district. The school still use the manual school payment & recording transaction so it could make cumulation of data, difficulty for searching the late payments, and the cause of the late payments is the slow and inaccurate information about it to the parents of the student. To get over the problem, so writer want to make the payme…
ABSTRACT The continued development of computer processing software and processing software 3D animation makes the animator or creator films are increasingly challenged to create 3D animations that can be a high level of interest by a lot by many people from children to adults. On the other hand film consumers are getting smarter, their assessment of the animation is not only an interesting s…
ABSTRACTS The development of animation film in indonesia is increasing, both in quality and quantity. If of the aspect of quality, then the increase as an increase in technology development and techniques used in making a film advanced and loosening the performance of the filmmaker to be more creative. Along side of the times, especially in the field of technology computer, media have an i…
ABSTRACT This research purposed to devise Game First Person Shooter Indonesia Freedom based 3D with game engine unity. The game is presented against the background of war Surabaya. By presenting images and sounds and animations in the game are good, there will be interest for its users. Data collection methods used to make these applications is the method of literature. For system developmen…
ABSTRACT This research have a purpose to make SMS Gateway application, can used to communicate between buyer ang seller called "Utilizing SMS Gateway in CV. Anugerah Utama Motor Purbalingga for customer relationship management". Developing method system based on analysis, planning, implementation and testing kerangka berpikir. The output is SMS Gateway application dekstop basic are made by …