ABSTRACT Hariyanto Sewa Mobil is a renting transportation service provider in Banyumas. Cars encoding system and renting transaction in this car renting are still writting. The data is saved in a book so that it is troubled to be lost, torn, or tucked. This study aims to result an information system to proceed the renting data, car renting, car restitution, and renting report in Hariyanto Se…
Abstracts The car renting transaction in Indah Family Rental Mobil still has many problems because the transaction processes are written in a book and it is very troubled to be lost, dirty, torn or tucked. The processes of the transaction are assisted by using calculating tool (calculator), so that it needs high fidelity very much. Members who want to rent the car also get difficulty in find…
ABSTRACTS Hadi Priyanto 2 Banyumas Batik Store is a company engaged in the sale of such batik batik shirt, batik fabrics, and accessories with a motif, in which the promotion and sales process is still conventional. It means that customers must go to the store to make a purchase products. A smartphone which is widely used today is a smartphone based on Android. Development of E-Commerce appl…
ABSTRACTS The purpose of this study was to make an animated movie as a medium of public entertainment and give a treat the film history of the formation of an area using two dimensional animation. Data collection methods used to make this animated film is a method of Literature. For the development of the system in this study using waterfall method, with the development of multimedia systems…
ABSTRACT Fashion Anindia Batik store is a store whoch sell the batic cotton and clothes. In increasing the sale to the consumer,it is needed to apply a business strategy to upgrade a market segment. The problem faced by this store is the limited resources and time in serving the consumer. The sale information system plan organizes a sale report by using an aplication result in basis of sale …
ABSTRACT Presence conducted in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Purwokerto using manual systems that employees do by writing in the attendance list. The manual process, have problems such as a book is damaged or lost, data manipulation and some employees who ignore or forget to fill the book Presence. Presence with manual system so that it can be said to be less effective in terms of time and energy becau…
ABSTRACT Purwokerto is one of the city in Banyumas. There are some fasilities there. Some of the ways which can be used to find the location of public fasilities such as by asking to the society directly, using map or using Google Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS). Based on the ways above there are some advantages and disadvantages of each ways. To handle this problem the writer try…
ABSTRACTS Purbalingga Regency has many local tourism objects governed by local Department of Culture Tourism Youth and Sport. Tourism of Purbalingga offers tourist attraction that has many charms and features that are typical in those places. Nonetheless, the lack of attention given by the government particularly in term of promotion that has become a hurdle to the advancement of tourism in …
ABSTRACT Junior High School 2 Paguyangan is one of the educational institutions in the district of Bradford, located at Jalan Raya Pandansari subdistrict Paguyangan Brebes. Based on the results of interviews have been conducted with the Junior High School 2 Paguyangan information on the site is done in the conventional are like announcement in the bulletin board or by the teacher, there is n…